Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute CLASS 203

During the very first day -- in the few hours, it seemed to me -- we all became one unit, far more rapidly than any other class I've yet attended. We solidified that first week.
Facilitated by Dennis and Val, we coalesced into a united front that holds great promise. I feel we are all on the cusp of a great adventure.
We all had to read the Victor Frankl book Man's Search For Meaning -- and -- of course -- the Peter Drucker book -- to our reading chagrin.
This blog will, perhaps with some luck, serve as a documentation and an assistance to those who comprise SBSLI Class 203. You are all welcome to take part in the blog, comment, insist on photographs, respond to each post, et-cetera. Commenting requires a bit of diligence; I'm considering removing Blogger comments and adopting HaloScan for comments. Any input on this issue would be valued.
Our next books:
This just in:
You've likely received the priority e-mail from Val regarding the Dave Carey book: "The Ways We Choose: Lessons From Life From a POW's Experience."
The e-mail indicated the book would not be hard to find; I found this not to be the case, at least in my neck of the woodpile.
Actually, I've found it remarkably tough to find. Amazon can ship it in 4 to 6 weeks -- just a hair too late for all of us. My local Tower Books is out; Borders is out; Barnes and Noble is out; Virgin is out.
I ordered it through Amazon; I'm hoping it'll arrive in time for me to read completely and then write a cogent evaluation.
I am wondering: would this be an acceptable class motto?
Semper Gumby!
(Always Flexible!)
The links to the right are active and viable. If YOU have any reference sites, personal or departmental blogs or websites you would like added to my link and reference list, you have but to ask! This blog is for all of us.
I have three additional posts in progress:
1. The impact of Marshall McLuhan;
2. Another about what I call the Trophy or Gamer Generation;
3. The consequences of the Older Worker as an employee.
Semper Gumby once again.
Man, Marlin, I am so far behind it isn't even funny. . .
It's Saturday and I haven't written one book review yet. I still haven't received my new book about the Vietnam POW. I am so screwed. Work has been the pits and I just now, just today, received confirmation for my flight this Wednesday on Southwest. When my agency makes reservations at the last doggone second, they always pay more cash. I have yet to convince them to make all the reservations up front.
Heavy sigh. Glad you liked the site, and THANK YOU for the comment!
In case you're wondering, the comment comes from my being currently logged into Blogger via my political blog, and not through this current blog. It's still me. If you're not interested in politics with a Right Wing bent, avoid my blog desperately and completely.
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