Reminders, And Mark's True Classic Organizational Chart

If nothing else, I am all about clarity and brevity. Here is "Mark's True Classic Organizational Chart," which can be readily adopted and printed for most all departments by simply installing one's agency logo nearby (click on photo for larger, purloinable version). Why wait? Thrill and amaze superiors and friends; attach this as a cover sheet on your next project and become a Lieutenant this month!
All seriousness aside, as a reminder, we are jointly tasked with the following:
- Complete your Ethics Survey; bring to Session 3;
- Keep up your journal work (yeah Mark, that means you!);
- Review the two new books.
Remember also: the old format is "out;" we are to now to call out meaningful and salient portions of each book and contrast and compare them to the larger issues and topics we've covered to date (as you've likely noticed, all overarching topics for SLI can be located at the bottom of the journal pages). This leaves the review format and content essentially "wide open," as Dennis noted.
You may also compare and contrast the concepts we reviewed this past session (Loyalty; a Wider Perspective; Blame v. Accountability; Incongruent Value Communications and others) with all prior books we've read, along with the prior movies, videos viewed and articles read.
I take this to mean: the door is open. We have but to walk through.
One final note:
I plan to update this blog on, at least, a weekly basis. My own personal blog gets updated daily; sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. Please check back once a week for further information and new posts. If you have an article you would like to post, perhaps in its entirety (I can do that, within reason, here), please e-mail me at:
- (work)
- (home)
Also, if you would care to act as a co-Administrator for the blog (so that you can make your own posts), you have but to let me know. Links are appreciated as well -- 14" long or not.
Please remember that you have the ability to comment on each and every post. Click on the word "comments" at the bottom of the applicable post. There are already comments, made by Marlin, on the very first post. If I can figure it out, and then Marlin can figure it out, you can too.
"We only extract what we invest."
-- The Bloviating Zeppelin
When you arrived home, was it 39-degrees inside your house, and 19-degrees outside, with about three feet of very fresh powder on the street? I'm not complaining, mind you; I immediately kicked out a great fire in the stove, ramped up the propane, set some candles, snoveled some show, and ended the day with my feet up in a blanket, roaring fire, hands wrapped around a warm Adult Beverage.
Semper Gumby!
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